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Trivialize Linear Recurrence Problems with Berlekamp-Massey!

Berlekamp-Massey is a powerful tool that can knock out almost all linear recurrence problems, but it’s often explained in the context of BCH decoding in many online tutorials, making it...

Self Reflection and What's Next?

It’s been a month since my last major milestone in CP, and high time for some self reflection. There are two major CP competitions I competed in this month: Facebook...

How to Understand Hard Tutorials

Hooray, it’s my first post of October, meaning I’ve kept this blog running for at least a month!

How Fair are Facebook Hacker Cup's Rules?

Facebook Hacker Cup is different from many other competitive programming competitions due to its submission format: instead of automatically judging competitiors’ submissions via an online judge, competitors are given the...

Solutions to SPOJ GSS Series

SPOJ has a series of problems with problem codes GSS1, GSS2, …, GSS8. The problems are intended as educational range query problems, and while they are a bit outdated, they...

Long Challenges are Awesome

Short contests are fun, although not without its fair share of frustrating moments. Have you ever come so close to solving a problem, but ran out of time? If only...